Category: BLOG
Writing Through the Noise: How to Get Out of Your Own Way
You ever sit down to write and suddenly forget how to think? Like, all day, your brain’s been running at a hundred miles an…
The Weight of Expectation
You ever feel like you’re living someone else’s life? Like every choice you make isn’t really yours—it’s just the next step on some invisible…
When You Feel Like You’re Running Out of Time
You ever feel like life is moving too fast, but you’re stuck in slow motion? Like you’re supposed to be somewhere by now—further ahead,…
The Space Between Who You Were and Who You Want to Be
There’s this weird limbo no one really warns you about. The space between the person you used to be and the person you want…
The Cost of Being Real
I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to be real. Not in the social media way where people post a picture of…
The Fear of Getting It Wrong
You ever sit on an idea for so long that it rots? You wanted to do something—write, start a project, fix something in your…
The Weight of Almost
There’s a special kind of frustration in being close but not quite there. In knowing you almost had something—a job, a relationship, a dream—only…
The Art of Being Alone (Without Feeling Lonely)
I used to think being alone and being lonely were the same thing. Like, if you weren’t surrounded by people, you were automatically drowning…
Lost and Found
There’s a spot just outside town—down by the old train tracks where the junkyard meets the sea. It’s where I go when everything feels…
Letting Go (When You Don’t Know How)
If you’re reading this, you’ve probably held on to something too long. Maybe it’s a person, a place, a regret, or even a version…